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Please update your subscriptions and links to continue listening to the new Not Crazy podcast with Gabe Howard and his ex-wife, Lisa. 

It's the mental health podcast for people who hate mental health podcasts. 

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Aug 27, 2018

In order to be diagnosed with any illness, a person must first show symptoms – in other words, something needs to go wrong. Living in recovery from mental illness doesn’t mean we are free from these effects; it just means that we’ve reduced our symptoms to a manageable level and learned to deal.

So, how do we do it? What’s life like on a day-to-day basis living in recovery? Do bipolar and schizophrenia still cause issues for Gabe and Michelle? Listen to this episode of a Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast to find out.

Highlights from ‘Effects of Mental Illness’ Episode

[1:00] Dealing with the effects of mental illness.

[4:00] How Gabe deals with fidgeting at work.

[7:00] Mental illness as an excuse in the media (anger ensues).

[8:30] Gabe and Michelle have the same symptom (excitement ensues).

[11:00] When people tell us to take our medication (unhappiness ensues).

[14:00] Words vs. Context.

[16:00] How do Michelle’s symptoms impact in her life?

[20:00] What works best for Gabe and Michelle?